Skin cycling is a four day skincare routine designed to optimize your skin's natural oils, reduce acne and discoloration, and promote collagen production for a more beautiful complexion. Skin cycling is quickly becoming a popular alternative solution to more intensive skincare treatments. By supplementing your skincare routine with regular cycling, your skin will experience enhanced blood flow and oxygenation, leading to improved cell renewal - which ultimately helps achieve a brighter and smoother complexion. With dedication to this practice, you can expect glowing, rejuvenated, and overall healthier skin. This blog post will explore why skin cycling is becoming increasingly popular among beauty enthusiasts and a must-try self care routine for all ages and skin types.

Here's how we like to cycle:
*it's a little different than the mainstream cycling routine that's currently trending*
Day 1. Exfoliate with an enzyme exfoliant mask instead of physical abrasion. We use our Body Nurish Renewal Peel. Let the mask sit for 5-20 minutes, based on your time limitations and skin’s needs. Using an enzyme exfoliant instead of a gritty scrub or textured tool is more gentle on the skin while still sloughing off dead skin cells and giving you that instant brightness we all love. After the mask, apply the Power Repair Hyaluronic + C Serum for its emollient properties and its ability to promote collagen production from deep within the skin. Let this serum dry for a moment before applying the Power Repair Skin Therapy Oil to soak in as much hydration as possible before sealing it in tightly with the Power Repair Face Cream.

Day 2. Apply the Body Nurish Green Clay Mask for 5-20 minutes or until you feel it start drying out and cracking on the skin’s surface. We choose a green clay mask over the retinol method for a few reasons.
-Is often an irritant to people’s skin, possibly even causing severe dermatitis with scaly skin, or cracking at the base of the nose or corners of the mouth
-When used in conjunction with other products, it can be especially harmful or irritating
-Long term or regular use of retinoids can cause degradation of skin cells which can actually accelerate the aging process
-Retinoids cause extreme sensitivity to UV rays, so the sun should be avoided for a couple of days after use.
Green Clay:
-Pulls toxins out of skin
-A gentle, yet powerful exfoliant, green clay is a perfect partner to the renewal peel because it helps remove the remaining dead skin cells sloughing off from the night before
-Regular use of green clay on the skin is completely safe and has been time tested over the centuries
-Naturally tightens the skin
-Minimizes pores
-Helps balance skin’s pH, tone, oils, and texture
Once again, after the mask, apply the Power Repair Hyaluronic + C Serum for its emollient properties and its ability to promote collagen production from deep within the skin. Let this serum dry for a moment before applying the Power Repair Skin Therapy Oil to soak in as much hydration as possible before sealing it in tightly with the Power Repair Face Cream.
Days 3 & 4. Recover. Now it’s time for your skin to rest and reap the benefits of the masks from days 1 and 2. You will still repeat the post-mask routine each of these two days, you’ll simply exclude the mask portion. We suggest using the Rose Phyto3 Night Cream when you go to bed every night, on top of this routine, in order to maximize moisture absorption, collagen production, and smoothness. If you are doing this routine at night, you can replace the Power Repair Face Cream with the night cream if you prefer, or you can simply use the Power Repair Face Cream as your night cream.
We’re all about nourishing the soul here at Peak Scents. This cycling routine has not only been giving some seriously gorgeous results, but it’s been a lovely reminder to slow down, take care of ourselves daily, and it’s even a great time to get those positive affirmations in!